Inaugural Meeting for the Market-Affordable Housing Committee
Inaugural Meeting for the Market-Affordable Housing Committee
The inaugural meeting of Holliston’s Affordable Housing Committee took place on Monday, August 5, in the Town Hall. Members introduced themselves, reviewed the charge from the Select Board, and made plans for subsequent meetings.
The Select Board approved the establishment of an Affordable Housing Committee at their March 4 meeting. On June 3, the Select Board approved this Committee’s mission: “The Market-Affordable Housing Committee will work with the Housing Trust, Committees, Boards, Commissions, departments, residents, developers et al to investigate what steps the Town of Holliston might take in order to enable development of market-affordable priced housing (not state subsidized) for seniors.”
Members of the newly formed Committee include Bryan Clancy, a member of the Affordable Housing Community; Warren Chamberlain, a member of the Planning Board; Mary Greendale, President of the Board of Directors of HCAT; Aaron Pyman and Janet Childs who are familiar with Holliston’s real estate environment; and Anne Huntington, a volunteer from the public at large.
Additional tasks of the group may include working with Housing Trust to develop a housing needs study; identifying local, state, federal and private housing resources; inventorying available land both privately held and publicly held inventory suitable for development; mapping existing affordable housing units and locations; reviewing land use regulations and zoning by-laws and identifying any barriers to all both subsidized and market affordable housing; and creating public education awareness through forums and other public events.
Prior to their next meeting, each member will begin gathering and recording helpful information that may be consulted as they study the issue and eventually formulate recommendations to be presented to the Select Board. Deciding to work without a Chair, members will share responsibility for completing the Committee mission.
The Committee plans to meet the second Monday of each month at the Town Hall. The next meeting is scheduled for September 9 at 7:00 PM.
Thanks Holliston Reporter for writing about this effort. One addition, while the original mission speaks to senior housing, the BOS and Committee agreed that young people trying to launch themselves and many working families also need housing that's within financial reach. We will tackle this issue as broadly as possible and welcome input. If you know of a community that has undertaken a similar project, please contact us. If you are a developer/builder with suggestions, likewise, we welcome your feedback. Thank you.
Mary Greendale | 2019-08-09 05:30:37
"The Market-Affordable Housing Committee will work ... to enable development of market-affordable priced housing for seniors." Why the "for seniors"? When I heard of this new committee, I thought it would deal with affordable housing not senior housing.
Stephen Nault | 2019-08-09 04:58:51