Holliston In Blooms' Fourth Award Winner
The Dipladenia has the ability to attract hummingbirds and bees. The tubular flowers are a vibrant signal to pollinators as ample suppliers of nectar. White petunias are also mixed in. Pat says she tries to use plants that tolerate the heat as she has the full afternoon sun in the front of her home.
There is always something blooming all season and right now she has a beautiful Rose of Sharon as tall as her house in full bloom.
Along her front wall there are many different flowers and shrubs and this time of year there is a mass of black-eyed susans (Rudbeckia hirta) that belong to the sunflower family and a white hydrangea bush. Thank you Pat for adding your creative touch to Mill St. Being an associate member of the Holliston Garden Club, Pat surely knows how to keep Holliston in Bloom!