Archive 2008 - 2019

October Programs and Activities from the Holliston Public Library

by Yvette Cain

Leslie McDonnell, Director of the Holliston Public Library, shares the activities at the Library for the month of October:

The Friends of the Holliston Public Library will sponsor “Eat Smart: Designing Meals to Feel Full” on Wed, October 16 at 7 pm.  Nutrition coordinator, Danielle Allen, from the Metrowest YMCA will demonstrate how to use recipes and techniques to cook healthy meals that stay with you.  Attendees will sample the food and get copies of the recipes.  The demonstration is free but limited to 35 so registration is required.  Call 508-429-0617 or email

The film for Movie Monday on October 21 at 12:30 is Yesterday, the story of a struggling songwriter who wakes after an accident in a world that has never know the Beatles.  

The History Book Club will meet on Tuesday, October 15 at 6:30 pm.  Participants are asked to share a book of history or biography they have read with the group. 

The Morning Book club will read Chloe Benjamin’s The Immortalists on Monday, October 7 at 11 am. Books are available to borrow now.  

The library’s knitting club meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 6-8 pm.  Participants can learn to knit, solve problems and share ideas.  The group is a drop-in and all are welcome.

The library has new free passes to the Hopkinton Center for the Arts for free admission for the Children's Entertainment, Open Mic, Jazz Jam and Cabaret Open Mic series.  The passes may be booked with a valid library card online or by phone or in person.  More information is available at

And from Jen Carlson, new Children’s Librarian, the following list comprises the activities for your children in October:

YMCA Play, Learn & Grow ages 0-8 and caregivers

Mondays 11:00-12:00pm

The literacy-based playgroup includes a feature book themed activity, sensory and manipulative play, gross motor activities, circle time with stories and songs, and a spot for babies to play and explore! Each week Project ABC brings new and exciting themes to the playgroups and are now focusing on SATEM and STEAM activities.

Tales and Tunes for Tots: ages 1.5 – 5 and siblings

Wednesdays 10:15 am

Listen to stories and sing songs with Ms. Jen!

Library Drop-in Playgroup all ages welcome

Fridays 10:15am-12:30pm

Make new friends, have a cup of coffee and play with toys provided by the Library.

LEGO Club ages 5 and up

Thursday, October 10th and October 24th  4:00-5:00pm

Build a creation from your imagination with Legos provided by the library.

Family Game Night all ages welcome

Tuesday, October 8th 5:30-8pm

Board games and pizza!  We provide the games and pizza and you provide the fun! Funded by a gift in honor of Constance O’Dell

Mindfulness for Kids ages 5-10

Oct. 9, 16, 23, and 30 and Nov 6, 13, and 20

Pamela Pinter-Parsons from the Soul Spirit Studio will give children the tools to help with stress-reduction, focus, and anxiety.  We will explore yoga, movement and mindfulness and learn a variety of meditation techniques.  Classes are high energy and deep relaxation! Please sign up.  Funded by a gift in honor of Constance O’Dell.

Cooking with Miss Debbie ages 7-10

Tuesdays Oct 22, and 29 and Nov 5 and 12

Learn how to follow a recipe and make healthy food from scratch.  The kids do all the work and taste what they make.  Limited to 20. Please sign up for this 4-week program.  Funded by a gift in honor of Constance O’Dell.

Pumpkin Decorating ages 3 and up

Thursday, October 17th 3-6:00pm

Bring your own pumpkin and decorate it to bring home with you.  We will provide the decorating supplies.

Move Matinee and Halloween Craft all ages welcome

Saturday October 26th 10:30am

Please see the library website for movie details

Halloween Party ages 2-5

Wednesday October 31st 10:15-11:15am

Drop in to play games, sing songs and do a craft.  Don’t forget to wear your costume!