Archive 2008 - 2019

Lisa Zais

Total: 5

Celebrate Holliston Chili Contest Winners Announced

by Lisa Zais 9/24/2019

And the winners are . . . 


Helping Thor

by Lisa Zais 12/4/2017



2017 Celebrate Holliston Chili Winners

by Lisa Zais 9/24/2017


Chili Challenge

by Lisa Zais 9/9/2012

Chili Challenge



Donations and Recycling

by Lisa Zais 7/28/2010

Donations and Recycling Are you still spring cleaning during summer days?  Having trouble finding places to take items in good condition?  Well, here are a few tips that will not only help others, but GREEN our environment while simplifying your life too!! It worked for me.  It has always been my practice to pack my car in the morning and drop off to the Food Pantry, Book Drop Off, Planet Aid, Project Just Because, Cosmic Sister (for kids crafts) After School Program at Placentino and the list goes on and on.  We all have so much.  I feel there is a home for everything.  One women’s junk is another women’s riches! No truer words have ever been said.  I hope these simple tips will help you simplify your life.

