Archive 2008 - 2019

Michelle Brown

Total: 2

Update on Michelle Brown in Antartica

by Michelle Brown 11/26/2011

Hello friends, I just wanted to update everyone about my expedition here in Antarctica.


Hollistonian in Antarctica

by Michelle Brown 11/12/2011

Michelle Brown, a 1998 graduate of Holliston High, is in Antarctica for a six week stint for science teachers. Michelle teaches eighth grade in Austin, Texas. (Michelle with the Polar Club at O.Henry Middle School.) At 3:30 every Wednesday, a dozen or so middle-schoolers pile into Room 501 at O. Henry Middle School ready for Polar Club to begin. As they eat ice cream sandwiches and Popsicles, they learn about a world of ice and snow and the bizarre reality of living in Antarctica. The students read online journals from Mike League, an eighth-grade science teacher at Millsboro Middle School in Millsboro, Delaware, who is currently working in Antarctica.

