Nancy Farrell
Total: 12
by Nancy Farrell 5/10/2016
There was a quorum of 137 townspeople just before Town Meeting began last night. The meeting voted on budgets and by-laws in Articles 1 through 23 and Article 27 before adjourning after 11pm. The Town Meeting continues tonight with the intent to vote on articles concerning planning and zoning by-laws, the Andrews School, the Flagg School, and traffic lights in downtown Holliston.
Meeting on Downtown Signalization Project April 13, 2016
by Nancy Farrell 4/14/2016
With a vote on traffic lights in downtown Holliston coming up at Town Meeting on May 9, there are still a lot of questions and concerns about the proposed plan.
Residents Review Spending Proposals at Fall Town Meeting
by Nancy Farrell 10/27/2015
Funding for Tasers for the Police Department generated considerable discussion.
Town Meeting, Part 1
by Nancy Farrell 5/5/2015
Art and water infrastructure dominated discussion this night
Candidate Katherine Clark visits Holliston
by Nancy Farrell 12/4/2013
Candidate for 5th Congressional District Representative Katherine Clark makes a campaign stop in Holliston. What election, you say? l-r. Selectman Jay Leary, Rep. Carolyn Dykema, Katherine Clark, Selectman Kevin Conley and Gregg Lewis met during the Holiday Stroll on Saturday
Newcomers 36th Annual Craft Fair
by Nancy Farrell 11/28/2013
The Holliston Newcomers held their annual Craft Fair last Sunday up at the high school ...
Holliston Walks to Fight Breast Cancer
by Nancy Farrell 10/24/2013
It was a beautiful fall day for the 11th Annual Walk Against Breast Cancer. About 370 walkers turned up on the green at the First Congregational Church to acknowledge the impact breast cancer has had on our lives -- remembering those who have died from it, applauding those who survived. But the main purpose was to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute for research to find a cure and for the care of patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
First Congregational Annual Church Fair
by Nancy Farrell 10/23/2013
The simple pleasures of a small-town church fair were in abundance on the green at the First Congregational Church on Saturday ...
Democratic Town Committee's Annual Barbecue
by Nancy Farrell 10/14/2013
Saturday night as Holliston's DTC hosted its third annual fundraising event at the barn at 1037 Washington Street. Photos courtesy of Ben Sparrell.
Stoneybatter Band at the 1728 Coffeehouse
by Nancy Farrell 10/11/2013
It was a full house at Jordan Hall for the 1728 Coffeehouse on Saturday. The coffeehouse is organized by Linda Schumacher to raise money for various projects around town -- this one for funds to upgrade the playground at HCCC.