Tom Driscoll
Total: 49
Commons Sense
by Tom Driscoll 6/30/2014
It was one of those images, maybe not so obviously, but nevertheless posing the question 'what is wrong with this picture?'
If I Had Wings like Nora's Dove
by Tom Driscoll 1/5/2014
"Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders." Henry David Thoreau
Separate and Unequal
by Tom Driscoll 12/8/2013
“How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?”
November 22nd
by Tom Driscoll 11/22/2013
Over time I've come to believe and accept a little of both narratives. JFK was a flawed man, both measured and inspired, craven and noble —a bit of both. He was one of us.
by Tom Driscoll 10/25/2013
"I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much more than that. So are we all." ~ James Baldwin
by Tom Driscoll 8/4/2013
“Casi-Know-Nothings” —that’s a lot to put on a lawn sign I suppose, maybe too subtle. Come to think of it, I don’t even have a lawn.
Justice of the Double Edged Sword
by Tom Driscoll 7/2/2013
The Supreme Court is in the news these days, handing down decisions left and right -- if you'll excuse the expression.
Thoughts on the Senate Debate
by Tom Driscoll 6/1/2013
"Senators, we hear, must be politicians – and politicians must be concerned only with winning votes, not with statesmanship or courage. Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but according to a famous Gallup poll of some years ago, they do not want them to become politicians in the process." ~ Senator John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage
What Light We Have
by Tom Driscoll 11/13/2012
Is there a lesson in Abraham Lincoln's story for all of us?
by Tom Driscoll 11/2/2012
I’d like to think this moment changed something—that it could. I don’t want it to change the result of the coming election. I’m already wanting and wishing on that subject enough already.
In Flight Entertainment
by Tom Driscoll 10/6/2012
Found my self in something of an exchange with a conservative friend. I'd been watching him post exuberant status updates on facebook in the aftermath of Romney's debate performance (and President Obama's lack thereof) and I had to warn him that, much like in the NFL, in debate there's such a thing as excessive celebration.
Prescription Dignity
by Tom Driscoll 9/30/2012
There are a great number of problems with the way we regard death ...
The Judgment of Solomon...
by Tom Driscoll 9/22/2012
There's something strange I've noticed over the past few months, as our presidential politics have been playing out. I've found myself from time to time in exchanges with my more conservative friends, inclined to support Mitt Romney for president.
Sniffing at the Sweet Smell of Success
by Tom Driscoll 9/5/2012
Well, I went and did it. I sat down and gave a listen to Mitt Romney's speech to the GOP convention from last week. I hadn't found the time to give it a fair airing to my mind until this past weekend. (It was a busy week, last week.) So forgive me if I'm posting on the topic of old news.
Fine Print
by Tom Driscoll 8/26/2012
We all remember the ruckus when a while back the President let out with the comment that "the private sector's doing fine." The howls of indignant protest went up about a president who was out of touch, aloof, a man who did not feel our pain.
I Read the News Today -- Oh, Boy...
by Tom Driscoll 8/16/2012
The other day I received a complimentary copy of a new local newspaper. It was Edition 1 of The Middlesex Times nicely tied off from the summer rain in a clear plastic bag and waiting there on my doorstep. Cool, I said to myself —I like to do crossword puzzles.
Ryan Shrugged
by Tom Driscoll 8/11/2012
I'm okay with Mitt Romney's choice of running mate. I actually think Paul Ryan will bring something of substance to the fore in our debate and that is good. "Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." ~Ayn Rand
The Joke
by Tom Driscoll 7/22/2012
When I was at work Friday one of my coworkers tried to make a joke of the Aurora Massacre, something deadpan about equating the mass killing with a really bad review for the movie that was showing. I brushed aside the remark and changed the subject.
Thank You, Gentlemen
by Tom Driscoll 6/10/2012
Well the twenty foot stares in ten foot rooms have been the rule of the day for me, today. And it may be that way for me for a while. Sighs... long sighs. The other night, with seven minutes left in the fourth quarter of the seventh game, it all simply slipped away —like some small boat loosed from its mooring in a moving stream... with no one aboard. It felt that helpless watching.