Archive 2008 - 2019

Jeff Weise

Total: 9

Just a Drop to Drink

by Jeff Weise 3/12/2018

It has been said that few people pay much attention to water until the day that they open the tap and nothing comes out.


Open Casino Letter to the People of Everett, MA

by Jeff Weise 4/6/2013

Having read in the April 2 Boston Globe that prospect for a casino at Suffolk Downs is losing its support, and now having listened to the lengthy presentation recently offered to you by Steve Wynn (, Everett should definitely vote “Yes” for the casino.


Bonney Drive Resident Takes a Stand

by Jeff Weise 3/17/2013

Yesterday I wrote the following letter and, with a copy of the bull's eye map,  took copies to each of the seventeen houses on my street.  I was impressed by several things:  First, general awareness that this is an issue but, second, lack of specific knowledge and/or a sense of imminence.   Several said, "I know this was an active issue last year but thought it then faded away."  Also, although Bonney Drive is just three miles from the site many people still did not know that.



Why a Total Outside Watering Ban?

by Jeff Weise 7/16/2012

Why did the present "Total Outside Watering Ban" suddenly happen?



Enterprise Funding: Pros and Cons

by Jeff Weise 10/25/2010

Water Department Enterprise Funding: Pros and Cons     In 1986 legislation was passed in Massachusetts that enabled communities to establish enterprise funds for specified municipal activities including water and waste water operations.  Enterprise funds are not a reserve or source of money.  Rather, enterprise funding is an accounting tool; used to account for operations that are financed and operated like a separate business or where greater accountability of revenues and expenses is desired. To date approximately 700 individual municipal operations in MA are said to have converted to enterprise funding, including well over half of the water and sewer departments.  Enterprise funding is used for water in Ashland, Framingham, Medfield, Medway and Natick, among others.  



Water Usage Analyzed

by Jeff Weise 9/14/2010

Water Usage Analyzed To the Residents of Holliston:   Holliston’s expanded Mandatory Water Use Ban was lifted on September 1st.  To all who complied with the emergency request: Thank you!



Holliston in Good Company with Aging Water Pipes

by Jeff Weise 6/20/2010

Holliston in Good Company with Aging Water Pipes I thought others might be interested in the following article that appeared in the The Dallas Morning News on June 15, 2010.   At Dallas Water Utilities, they still don't know exactly why, after all those years, the old cast-iron pipe gave way last month and sent a flood of water into the basement of the Dallas County Records Building.  


Holliston's Water System Explained (part one)

by Jeff Weise 2/19/2010

Holliston's Water System Explained (part one) The following report was presented to the “All Boards Meeting” Thursday, February11, 2010, by Jeff Weise, Chairman of the Board of Water Comissioners. What I am about to say sounds ominous.  It is serious but we are not in a crises or dire situation. Further, know that iron and magnesium are two naturally occurring elements that have been described as the single most frequent obstacles in developing municipal and private drinking water supplies in Massachusetts. Having said that, the Holliston Water Department is now facing two problems:


Our Water System Explained (part two)

by Jeff Weise 2/19/2010

Our Water System Explained (part two) The Wells  Well #1 – Off Norfolk Street in Stoddard Park On a public lake and surrounded by houses, this well is not ideally situated.  It does have elevated levels of magnesium.  However, over the years it has continued to be a significant contributor to Holliston’s water supply.
